night peels back its crystal crusted eyes this is the hour of black coffee
and milk biscuits. of charred logs and spider legs. sky a gray pool,
morning wounds you already awake. air serrated
by silence. yesterday’s hours spent angry with each other
nailed to the walls. from ground to ceiling the ruby rounds
unevenly mapped. elsewhere an engine starts, startles
the birds. and winged fingers again reach for one another.
emergent nobody
this obsession with nobody. emily negates the body through which the song rises, mitski needs her body negated to make the song. it’s not true that i’m a nobody too, not true that i have nobody. i have at least a handful of people who’d answer if i called, at least two waiting for my call. i have a book, a good job. i love to feel sad and sorry for myself like Mitski. i never call. i don’t want to be a frog. i think of my best lines staring out the window above the kitchen sink, eating alone. season 12, episode 6 of Law and Order: SVU quotes emily, turns her wry ecstasy into the survivor’s traumatic memory. do i love this show because i’m reminded at least this isn’t happening to me, or because i wish something would happen to me? i worry all the sorrow i’ve ever felt has been manufactured to make these poems. i just need one good honest life-altering email. the difference between i am nobody and i have nobody-- to claim oneself as, to lament oneself as not having. these days i’m never sated—is it me, or inflation? when i open the window, all the goldfinches flutter away.
-- Stephanie Choi's poems appear in Blackbird, Copper Nickel, Electric Literature, New Ohio Review, and elsewhere. Her debut collection, The Lengest Neoi, was selected by Brenda Shaughnessy for the 2023 Iowa Poetry Prize and published in 2024. She was the 2023-24 Poet-in-Residence at Sewanee and is an Assistant Professor of English at Oklahoma State University.