Hard hat area. “Safety” Happens Here. Did you remove your safety lock? Caution, wet floor. Do not enter. Ammonia. Green coil repair. Wes sucks Cock. Spare in case of emergency. Keep America Great. Authorized dumping only—clean solid fill. Stop, listen, and yield—trains have right of way. HOT. Nitrogen. Hydrochloric acid. HOT STEEL. Level one burning permit area. Absolutely no smoking. Proud to be an American. RBW 7/16/92. Danger, high voltage. Danger, confined space; Danger; Danger; Danger, 132 KV. Do not enter. Caution, coil field. Caution, coil station. Keep a safe distance. Do not tamp. Do not enter. Do not stack rubber rolls. Max weight limit 200,000. Thank You Veterans! Slips and falls can be prevented. Hearing protection required while this machine is running. Sound horn prior to entering. Everyone entering or working in this shop is required to wear eye protection. “Zero Accidents” “Where Quality Steel Begins” Do not enter. Did you remove your safety lock?
-- Connor Poff is an MFA candidate at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She grew up as a steelworker's daughter in Middletown, Ohio. When she isn't writing poems, Poff teaches composition, collects vintage cookbooks, and binge-listens to true crime podcasts. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Appalachian Heritage, Volney Road Review, Oakwood Literary Magazine, and others.