We are open for two submission periods each year: August 15th to October 15th; January 15th to March 15th (or until we hit our max of submissions allowed on our Submittable plan).
Thank you for considering submitting your creative works to Jet Fuel Review. We are excited to view any submission that follows our guidelines. We receive many submissions so unfortunately submissions that fail to follow the posted guidelines will not be considered. As a friendly suggestion, please read over them to ensure we get the opportunity to review your work. Thank you! For insight into our editorial tastes, please visit our recent issues.
Fiction: We are looking for fiction pieces of 3000 words or less. These can be short stories or flash fiction. Submit entry as a .doc or .docx file. Please submit only one fiction piece per reading period along with a cover letter.
Creative Nonfiction:We are looking for creative nonfiction pieces of 3000 words or less. We welcome the many permutations of creative nonfiction from lyrical essays to personal narratives to hybridized works. Please adhere to word limits and submit your entry as a .doc or .docx file. Please submit only one creative nonfiction piece per reading period along with a cover letter.
Poetry:We ask that you submit 3 - 5 unpublished poems (as a single file) that are less than 100 lines each. Submit your entry as a .doc or .docx file. Please send only one poetry submission per reading period along with a cover letter.
Artwork: Please send 3 – 6 pieces of artwork within a reading period. When submitting artwork, we request that you caption the artwork with a title, if available, and the medium in which you worked. Of course, we can only literally publish virtual art, that is, art that is transferable to an online format. If you wish to submit a sculpture, you are welcome to send a high definition photo of the piece. Please submit your files as a JPG or PNG along with a cover letter.
Special Section: For our spring issue, we sometimes include a special section from bouts-rimés to collaborative writing to centos. For our Spring 2021 Special Section we featured golden shovels.
The content for Jet Fuel Review is exclusively online. Jet Fuel Review claims first publishing rights, which revert back to the author upon publication; however, please include first publication acknowledgments to Jet Fuel Review if your work appears later in any subsequent publications including books and anthologies. While we allow simultaneous submissions, please do notify us as soon as possible if your work becomes unavailable as we do not publish previously published work, whether that publication occurred online or in print.
We prefer not to publish the same authors and artists in consecutive issues, so if we’ve published your work we would be grateful if you would wait at least one issue before resubmitting.
A note regarding response time: As a rule, expect to hear back from us within two months from the end of the reading period, but usually much sooner.
Besides checking out our own issues, we recommend reading some of these wonderful journals that we admire.