how we manifest what we define as love—the way some men now
would kill a nightingale if they could—failing that they turn to
women—who are songbirds sometimes—eaten behind a napkin--
by the beak—sometimes—it is happening now-- on full display
—O John Keats your poem is ruins—bust with its nose
blown off—stumps for arms—not quite that next
museum—heaven—if you believe such things-- but the di-
alectic is the same—new bird with new song in the
trees mornings and a praying mantis in the yard—I
oscillate between the two—song in my ear-- forlorn—yes--
then memory of song—and then the man- tis-- its trip-wire quickness—in a spray of flowers
-- Dennis Hinrichsen’s most recent work is Flesh-plastique from Green Linden Press, published March 2023. He has new work appearing or forthcoming in diode, The Glacier, Leon Literary Review, The Pedestal and Timber. He lives in Lansing, Michigan.