You a wonder / every inch the glam gothic crow / You a granted clear explosive magic of empathic intelligence / the dauntless [w]reckoning of your weight / like a quantum singularity of Furies wreathed in the eccentricities of genius / You an unfettered energy / ever ready to make a big noise / You got a geography of your own / strangely magical & [w]reckless / The fearful / galvanized by your songs / re-inscribes people and your experiences into the world / You a brazen indecency of sound / three chords merged with the power of the Word / The crowd knows every word / the throb & burn of aperture & rift / of raped over centuries / into existence / You a city of Women who roar / when the wolves come out to play / The gun- metal disdain of despots & hoarders of gain / of gatekeepers & too many dicks / Their altar / a pedestaled cage / the sacred chalice full of rotten Christian teeth / You are rain-pearled / Sun-filled / a condensation of cloud pulled downward by gravity / spiraling to the center of something spinning denser than / larger than / older than a fetish of radiant tragedies dressed in collateral adjectives / You the melting away of arrogance / a corner of sunlight on the bed sheet erasing a violence / that many is the person / who never had the courage to do something / say something / be / something / the milli-second gap in time / it takes the fire to follow the fuse / from the detonator / to kaboom!!
-- henry 7. reneau, jr. writes words of conflagration to awaken the world ablaze, an inferno of free verse illuminated by his affinity for disobedience & a barbwire conviction that prequels the spontaneous combustion that blazes from his heart, phoenix-fluxed red & gold, like a discharged bullet that commits a felony every day, exploding through change is gonna come to implement the fire next time. He is the author of the poetry collection, freedomland blues (Transcendent Zero Press) and the e-chapbook, physiography of the fittest (Kind of a Hurricane Press.) His work is published in Superstition Review, TriQuarterly, Prairie Schooner, Zone 3; Poets Reading the News and Rigorous. His work has also been nominated multiple times for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net.