A ship is a neutral wand, friction Denuded by spells of phosphor lotion Theologian faces drool Psalms in a column of gold between
Bucktoothed nimbi I floss like a sea With fingers bone of clean & “ocean” Pressing send on me
& the ship is unnatural, so my hair fills with fleas & the chemical bath I dip me in tickles & the Lord is inch by inch my friend & a rat is a garden in concrete wind
& on the back of my eyeballs a dynamite prickles As alphabets listen & I bald & idiots glisten
Boy Racer
Fantails shed their silhouettes Off a mythic hook And crickets laugh like lawyers Eating Mobius strips
Flint continues learning Light frequent as its name The roof beneath is forked Charges through the hour
What if waves with windmill heads Never asked for duels The stories I have with being stung With bees are already fuel
With the twang of the arrow And snap of the bow The Christian riding next to me “His tears are truly frozen”
Talks of Mistand smells like hands “Some of them instantly garbage” Others slow and automatic The woods maintain demand
A rim financed with apples We never touched a thread Shadow ironed with color Their hearts beat quicker there
Rays a logical ransom Parallel to crime The driver listens while the hills Loop from black to green
“I is not that scribbled face” Says morning to a guy “But coins I have to make So pink slips caps-lock day”
Math continues paper crowns Pulping in kerosene And a white that amplifies Running up its beams
Fred Astaire
One slips inside rain’s costume And flails like a pharaoh for sound. A hymn farts in the balcony But no amen abounds. When perception, vein of ants, Swirls under sidewalks and a stray Kitten lights upon your lap You pass into a crack in class That isn’t even there Paint the stage with fleet harassing Lights collecting rings To form a face like a hinge Upon which bliss can swing and creak. What I feel remains discrete.
-- Daniel Poppick’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in BOMB, jubilat, Iowa Review, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, The Claudius App, and elsewhere. A chapbook is forthcoming this fall from Petri Press. He lives and works in Iowa City, where he curates the Antibody Series and co-publishes the Catenary Presswith Rob Schlegel