I can only write pastorals most days trees speak more than me my cell phone added a new filter: “turpentine”
it lays a runny glaze on the pictures now this shot of a patch of sphagnum looks like the rubber food I played with in museums as a kid still
I put it on everything for a time my car? turpentine a gravel trail? turpentine there is an ecosystem to this and I want to belong to strain myself off the boiling top
& settle let the excess run off me how exhaustion erases a coming dawn if the filter speaks a new language if seeing draws down illusions
-- Emily Murphy is an MA student at The University of New Mexico. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Collateral, Manzano Mountain Review, Inklette, and Garbanzo, as well as a very talented pigeon delivering hand-rolled poems to upper story apartments. You can follow her on Twitter at @weightsandmeans.