Dear Readers, Within the pages of issue nine, readers will discover a variety of works that challenge the accepted conventions of art and writing—transforming and transcending these genres. Experimental works by John Lowther—a poet who attempts to redefine the sonnet form—and Craig Foltz—a writer who defies the traditional expectations of narrative fiction—illuminate the pages of Jet Fuel Review, offering our readers a variety of diverse works which underscore the many modes and myriad possibilities of writing. As our magazine continues to expand, we look forward to the opportunity to publish more international writers and artists—collapsing the limitations of geographical boundaries. In addition to works by local contributors like Lewis artist Lauren Kill, national contributors such as Allison Joseph, Amy Newman, Kristina Marie Darling, and David Dodd Lee, this issue features international work by the previously mentioned Craig Foltz from Auckland, New Zealand. Overall, Jet Fuel Review is, first and foremost, a student run journal. With the assistance of faculty advisers, active Lewis University students and alums worked fervently this semester to put together issue nine. Because of the hard work and dedication of these student editors, our literary journal continues to expand reaching new readerships and, as always, challenging boundaries. As you read this issue, we hope that you will enjoy the selections our editorial team has thoughtfully curated for you; and, we hope you find the work diverse, challenging, engaging, and sustaining. Read on, Jessica Jordan, Dominique Dusek And the Jet Fuel Review Editors |