When synapse brain and cardboard mask are one, it feels the bone marrow touching a porcelain plate. It’s like bloody sawdust dripping out the mouth of a subcutaneous Sybil Nymph. Incomplete metamorphosis. Twisted wings, distorted face in a dream we had: Immanent sigil vibrations.
With melted scissor handles with red crayon legs where nothing bad will happen. Do you see what happens now? Thighs drip drip drip all the way down in some shady bathroom past. A fierce diagonal crash down the drain. What comes out of that mouth is the opposite of diaphanous.
Another Inedible Funnel Cake
Treat them like magician's assistants fused with funnel cloud threshers; manhandle their many dank limbs.
But undergo due process. Do not create some potential blue goddess chained by all fours to the titanium floor refusing an ambulance ride.
Don't pin prick their solar plexus. Don't poke them with sticks until you’re ready for that tinted gypsum
apparition to explode all the way down your gullet.
Juliet Cook’s poetry has appeared in a peculiar multitude of literary publications, most recently including Arsenic Lobster, Menacing Hedge, Mojave River Review, and Tarpaulin Sky Press. She is the author of more than thirteen published poetry chapbooks, most recently including FONDANT PIG ANGST(Slash Pine Press). A new collaborative poetry chapbook created by Juliet Cook and Robert Cole, MUTANT NEURON CODEX SWARM, is forthcoming from Hyacinth Girl Press in 2014. Cook’s first full-length poetry book, Horriffic Confection, was published by BlazeVOX. In addition to her own writing, Cook is the editor/publisher of Blood Pudding Press(print) and Thirteen Myna Birds(online). You can find out more at www.JulietCook.weebly.com.
Robert Cole is fiction editor for Similar Peaksand his writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Skidrow Penthouse, Menacing Hedge, THIS Literary Magazine, Thirteen Myna Birds, Sein und Werdenand elsewhere. His collaborative chapbook with Juliet Cook will be published later this year by Hyacinth Girl Press. He currently lives and works in Oklahoma City.