Every once in a while, a woman will give birth to a very special child. Not always, not even often, but it does happen. At the start, you’d never know. They seem as normal as any other child. They cry, they sleep, they eat. At some point, they learn to crawl, and then they learn to walk, and then they learn to run. And by the time they’ve learned to run, you can tell. Sometimes it’s small things, sometimes it’s big. Georgia Binds, for example, was able to talk to animals. She could convince the birds to peck at the eyes of the kids she didn’t like, and when she fell into the lake this summer, she had the fish carry her to shore. George Crawford could control the weather. This turned out to be a bit of a problem because George didn’t know he was doing it, but after a while the town noticed a correlation. If he was sad, it would rain, if he was happy, the sun would come out. Once, he went skiing during his summer break and came back to find that his whole town had been snowed in. Today, Lisa Meadows found her ability. She woke up, just like every other day, kicking her blankets onto the floor. She rubbed her eyes, cracked her back and then walked into the bathroom. She reached for her toothbrush, but as soon as her fingers made contact, it disappeared. In its place sat a single sunflower. Surprised, she turned and grabbed the handle of the door she had closed before. POOF! Now, a bunch of lilies hung into the spot of the handle. She sat down, looking at her hands, trying to find any possible use for her newly found abilities. “Well,” she reported, “this is shit.”
-- Laine Sills is currently 17 years old and resides in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She loves dogs and enjoys taking very long showers. She is excited to continue to explore creative writing and is utterly flattered to have been published in Jet Fuel Review.