begin with hook, bent glance in afternoon shade, the heat already living in the spine of structure. blade. one terrible rush from the sharpest point. I can’t help but picture the bend of your fingers, your clenched hand hooking my hair. when you live inside the blur, the consistent and enclosed space that feels so much like a footnote, it’s easy to slip through your fingers. you missed me. there. fastened in but living in the margin.
satori what if we considered the blackbird more carefully, her circular, barreling body, her yellow eye-ring and beak, her territorial threat displays, her fledglings’ pink throats that blend into the softest orange at their pointed beaks. but it’s the male who sings loudly in the spring, calling in the evening to secure his roost. I understand now how the puddles formed. snow melt and frozen saliva. winter and the horizontal salvation we worried and worried and worried about. the icy field, the bird’s early song, our mouths open to the dawn’s light.
danger, spring, sediment
i. category: iron that stained rock red. moments you are missing are moments I conjure you shrouded in crimson daylight plucking darkness away only to return with flecks of bronze & fluorite veins that crack open when we shift to another category
ii. sister of my dreams i thought you’d be here where
you are a ghost & field of Columbine & a wolf who has waited too long to hunt iii. nestled in wild pomegranate mouth deliver, deliver we peel away the burn the paper the scar the word we won’t speak in the darkness of coldsnap
-- Mackenzie Carignan is owner and founder of Creative Vision Lab, a creativity and writing coaching practice in Broomfield, CO. She has a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from University of Illinois at Chicago, and her collection, a house without a roof is open to the stars, is available from Black Radish Books, and her chapbook, someone somewhere is running is available from Dancing Girl Press. Her work has appeared in Another Chicago Magazine, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Poetry is Currency, Dusie, and many other publications. She enjoys coaching people to help them make space for creativity, rebellion, and authenticity in their lives, work, and family spaces.