Cotton briefs folded in the package Taped around the cardboard insert
The nurse hovering whose holes Who was all who represents who rearranges
The figure’s manly ice columns Angels are the ones
Hovering who were once hovering One penguin scared of the others
Except his friend Who said we can practice
Looking at penguins By looking at the penguins far away
I’m putting this here so I remember The way your saying sounds
Though sound Is one way to stay asleep
For those who waste Or who have become inured
For those who can find consolation In verisimilitude two ships do not lose sight
For example [you] and [me] and the [night] Did pass
In holy ever-loving rot Preserve the dead who have been dead
So long they have perfected Death you don’t need it
To die doing tricks for no reward Makes the moon a simple pet
From this foul company be it removed Bodily what might
This mean now When it exists apart from the past
It becomes another Inoculation
A little stick that only hurts Yes baby for a moment and shoos
I’ve lost you I’ve lost you I’ve lost you I’ve lost you Gladly flew and the flowering tree
Repairs its winter damage By eating its buds
Which were helpless anyway And owed their lives
Not even to the observer Are you not tired the dead are tired
As cliché you should delete They are already eaten and excreted
They have already eaten A detail in a larger scheme
[The sky when it turned out to be cancer…]
from The Star Cabins The sky when it turned out to be a cancer The sky when it itched
The sky when it ate gnats The sky when it ate children
The sky when it licked the lotus flowers The sky when it grew too dry to lick
The sky when the awaited event occurred but no longer weighed much The sky when the expected visitor arrived at the expected time
The sky when the chalk-white tablets filled the silver envelope The sky when the pale blue tablets filled the silver envelope
The sky when the conversation was the same again The sky when the conversation was the same
With one new topic The sky when it was time to be seated
The sky when the microphone was passed The sky when it was time to receive the guests
The sky when the sparks flew upward The sky when the [I cannot write it Elizabeth]
The sky when the water-lily bloomed The sky when I photographed the water-lily
The sky when oars in tandem smote the sea The sky when what could there be
To worry about Enjoyment enjoy n joy n joy
Whether anyone is entitled to it Whether I am
Doing enough to earn a quiet summer week But the star cabins but the star cabins
You have read this far without me you have lived This long in one town on one state highway in the same gray house
You should be kinder to yourself you should allow yourself To enjoy the fucking fruits of your fucking labors
But this would force the admission that your labors have worth You are showing your ass you are showing off
You trash with your own car your TSA Pre-3® the things you give The government they had already the things you own
Own you food should be ugly enough to eat but Good enough to photograph good enough at walking to walk
Each daylit hour through the mountain the green plastic Bottles mark the miles the bus pulls up
The glacier trail the gemblue falls The water the water the rain the rain the rain
The rain the rain the rain the rain the rain the rain The rain help me Elizabeth the rain on your mouth
I willsay the rain the rain the rain the rain the rain the rain The rain the rain
-- Sara Wainscott is the author Insecurity System, winner of the 2019 Lexi Rudnitsky First Book Prize from Persea Books, and a chapbook, Queen of the Moon (dancing girl press, 2017).