I’ve seen shapes dissolve into loveliness, body become
a feeling, knowable—Take spoon. How a humble piece of cutlery
turns warm, a thing you can sleep in, wrap yourself with. Friend turned verb
in the 1400s: to put it in scientific terms, switched from matter to energy. I suspect
if you plunge deep enough into the doing of anything, you become it. Vanish
into its ether. In the center of the room, my friend: bright pink skirt, hair in a bun,
whirling, then disappearing into the whirling--
-- Vismai Rao’s poems appear in Salamander, RHINO, Rust + Moth, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Pithead Chapel, Psaltery & Lyre, Rogue Agent, SWWIM, & elsewhere. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and the Orison Anthology. She serves as Poetry Editor for The Night Heron Barks. You can find her on twitter: @vismairao