Seeking a world council or sea king—a whirled counsellor still dealing with adolescents weekly, still, dealing with adolescence, weakly. A world weakly seeking adolescence with a counsellor still.
“Please!” her assent’s tongue pleas. Her ascent stung when she left. The world airless when she left the world heirless. Her tongue’s pleas ascend air, the world less when she left,
rising out from what once seemed a hole. Dampered some, rising out from what once seemed a whole damned person when whet, would splinter so sharp, as when wet wood splinters. Oh—sharp as what’s rising as a person. When a dammed hole would splinter out, oh—wet seemed sharp.
Please, adolescents, when sent a splinter— whether what she would council still weakly stung, or, rising so damn sharp the world, when seeking a whole person seemed as a world dealing with less air left from without.
Who You Callin' a Whalefall?
I’ve never been a sliced pickle before so I encourage your vinegar. Brine me like Odysseus strapped to the ship’s mast. Let me soak you up like a bottom-feeding sponge so you can skin-dive to see me while secretly seeking yourself.
We can play hide & seek in the skeletons of once-proud ships & through the blooming biome of whalefalls—those giants who’ve ceased to swim a mile or so above the sandy seafloor. The great carcasses slide past warm-blooded predators into the cold deep set fully on slow decay mode— a boon for the most depressed & compressed sea-life for icy decades. Boom years.
Ashore, you are a full-body vice & I have always dreamed of transmogrifying my carbon into a diamond. Squeeze all of the you out of me if you wish— some flavors never leave the tongue.
-- Zebulon Huset is a teacher, writer and photographer living in San Diego. He won the Gulf Stream 2020 Summer Poetry Contest and his writing has appeared in Meridian, The Southern Review, Fence, Atlanta Review & Texas Review among others. He publishes the writing blog Notebooking Daily, edits the journals Coastal Shelfand Sparked, and recommends literary journals