Dorothy Chan I'll Take the Love and Not the Money, Plus Some Oysters by the Half Shell Ode for Baby Pandas, Hong Kong Mornings, and My Grandmother The Chinese Zodiac Snake Cocktail
Alan Chazaro Joystick, Ending with a Question Link, Hero of Kingdom Hyrule, Speaks Out on His Depression
Sara Elkamel Balding the Desert Finally the land is surrounded by seeds
Alicia Elkort The Time Ray Reached Across the Table for the Potatoes and His Mother Sliced Him with a Steak Knife The Solar Plexus Chakra is Associated
Logan February Corpus Vile The Mannequin's Samsara Jason Gray Color is an Event: Blue Color is an Event: Yellow
Zefyr Lisowski A Corrective, July 1891 Body Wrench [when I am burgled] There's been a death. Of course no one knows what to do, 1892 The Sheets, 1892 Sunday Mass, 1891
Steve Mueske Suddenly We've Come too Far to Turn Back Now